Monday, January 7, 2019

Goal Word not Resolutions

From Google Images
A couple of years ago the JoyFM a local Christian radio station spent a year focusing on the word Joy rather than making resolutions.  I decided this was a great idea since, I never follow through with resolutions.  My 2018 word was connect because I strongly feel that today we spend too much time online,texting and with cyber lives that we are losing the art of true conversation and connection.  I decided that I would ask friends over to my home, out to lunch and accept any invitation that I could to "get together".  I have to admit, sometimes it was hard to juggle a schedule to go visit friends but the end result was amazing.  After feeling very negative and alone just visiting a friend once or twice a month made a huge difference in my outlook and my psyche.  

From Google Images
This year as I have been reflecting on what word I'd make my focus, I thought I'd use create.  As I've mulled this over I decided that create is too solitary and I have to find a way to force myself out of my introvert happy place and BE with people. 

From Google Images

Sincel  it is easy for me to just stay at home and enjoy my own company but it's not so easy to go out of that comfort zone, I've decided that 2019 will be the year to Serve.  I will look for opportunities to serve people, those I know and those I don't, when I see a need.  I am not sure how that will look but I know that if I open my eyes and my heart, I will see people who I can serve.

Happy New Year!

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